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Suriname is rijk aan artistiek talent. Jammer genoeg bereiken velen niet de hoogten waarvoor ze wel de po- tentie hebben, vanwege het gebrek aan gelegenheid om zich te ontplooi- en. De Surinaamse markt is te klein voor de afzet van publicaties en om het in het buitenland te "maken", kent men vaak de te bewandelen wegen niet. God geve dat hier in de nabije toekomst verandering in zal komen tot zegen van de talentvollen en het kunst- minnend publiek.
Suriname has been blessed with a wealth of artistic talents. Sadly enough, many do not reach the heights of their potential, because of a lack of opportunity to refine and exploit their talents. The Surinamese market is too small for profitable sales of publications, and one usually does not know the ways to walk in, in order to make it in the world outside. May God cause this to change in the near future, for the good of the ones with talents as well as their art-loving audiences.
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BIJLHOUT, "De Nieuwe" Theo Solo Vocalist (Accomplished Recording Artist)
BLACKMAN, Joanne Solo Vocalist, ensembles
CAIRO, Charel A. Psalmist / Song writer / Prophet Graphic Designer e-mail Tel. (597) 857-6117
DALFOUR-METTENDAF, Marcia "Queen of Gospel Kaseko" (Vocalist) P/a Kantoor Stichting Prisiri fu Masra Verlengde Hoogestraat 3 Tel. (597) 424894 Paramaribo
DJEMISIE, Otniel Solo vocalist
DOUGLAS, Ellen Solo Vocalist
DOUGLE, Hanna Solo Vocalist
DOTH-SCHAKEN, Haizin Solo vocalist, worship leader Tel. (597) 885-9739
DRAAIBAAR, Cynthia Dans solo, ook danslessen Dance the Walls Down Ministries Tel. (597) 45-4132 / 0866-8485 e-mail
GHISAIDOOBÉ-HEIKERK, Natassa Solo Vocalist (Recording Artist) e-mail
GUDGE, Laurence Saxofoon solo, and with ensembles
KARAM-STEEMAN, Caroline Worshipleader, solo vocalist
KASTIEL (Geh. LANDVELD), Jennifer Worshipleader, Solo vocalist e-mail Tel. 860-1662
KOSTER, Asgar Keyboard, Bass, recording artist Tel. 07112615 e-mail
over Asgar Koster
LIE KWIE SJOE - WONG SWIE SAN, Gloria Vocalist, Ukulele (Recording Artist) p/a Stichting Weid Mijn Lammeren Stoelmanstraat 8 Paramaribo Tel. (597) 42-5928 e-mail meer over Gloria
MAIN, Eugene Solo Vocalist
MEYE, Joy Solo vocalist, recording artist e-mail
NORTAN, Ruth Solo Vocalist, Choir member
PINAS, Jerrel Solo vocalist, keyboard, guitar, saxophone, songwriter
PINAS-KOTZEBUE, Sharon Solo vocalist (alto). Sharon also sings duets with her husband Jerrel e-mail
PINAS, Joel Solo vocalist
PINAS-SAWAL, Margaret Solo vocalist, worship leader
PINAS, MoladaSolo Vocalist
REDAN, Chanice
Solo vocalist, ensembles
ROTSBURG-SWEET, Clea Solo Vocalist (Alt), Worship leader, Songwriter Recorded Artist
SANEL, Urnia Solo Vocalist
SEYMOR-FILEMON, Claudette Solo Vocalist, Worship leader
VELDKAMP, Mariska Solo Vocalist
WOLFF (geh. LAGADEAU), Samantha
Solo Vocalist, Dance