A Word of Wisdom

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De boodschap hieronder werd voor het eerst geplaatst in 2009. Omdat de oproep nog steeds van kracht is, hebben wij besloten haar weer te plaatsen, biddend dat ze ter harte genomen wordt.

to the people of God in Suriname

January 1, 2009

'United we stand, divided we fall,' is a well-known slogan.
Even though the gays have adopted it, they do not own it,
for these words of wisdom existed long before they dared to
come out of the closet.

I do not want to speak about gays here, however; it is the
wise words that I want to draw your attention to. They are
not merely nice sounding words. They are truth. The Lord
urges us in His word to be one (1). Unity is so important to
a people, that Jesus prayed, before He returned to His
Father in heaven, that His disciples would truly be one (2).

Unity strengthens a nation (3). As Surinamers, we must remember that. At one time in history, foreigners saw to it that we were divided. 'Divide and conquer' was their wisdom, and it worked to their advantage. The flag of Suriname had five stars and it was taught us, that each star represented an ethnic group, and that these were tied together by the black ellips, connecting them. For more than thirty years now, we have had a new flag, with only one star, representing one nation, in a red field of love. We have come a long way. However, when observing today's leaders of our people, I sometimes wonder whether we should have a new flag with five or even more stars designed.

Though our population consists of people from different cultures and religions, God permitted that we should be brought together here on Suriname's ground. To the world we have portrayed ourselves as one nation, living and working together in peace and harmony. We have been proud to be an example to the world. How beautiful it would be, if we were allowed  to remain an example
indeed, for that is truly God's purpose for us.

Through the years, there have been prophecies over Suriname as a nation; how God would make us to be a light to other countries and nations. As Christians we have rejoiced over those words. The 'people' have reached for it, and for decades have held prayer meetings; praying for revival and all the good, wonderful things that God has promised us. Alas, the leaders - excuse me, some leaders - have always seen to it, that Gods people in Suriname remained divided.

This is pathetic and dangerous, spiritually. Among God's people too, the words are true: 'divided we fall.' The forces of the enemy, which realize, that their time is short, are doing everything to destroy us. Anything that happens to Israel in the natural, we may expect in the spiritual, as the universal Church of Christ. In the USA,
a very blessed country which used to be called 'God's own country',  it is clearly seen already, how God and His people are hated, and how people in the highest places of authority are trying to remove everything that has to do with God. We can also see how America is losing her place in the world as a result. How long before we, in Suriname, will go through the same?

Blessing is tied to God. There is no good apart from Him. Will we, in Suriname, give the God of Abraham, ISAAC and Jacob the highest place, or will we continue to insult Him by following after other gods and worshiping idols, right in His face? I believe, that we have been a blessed nation for a long time, and we have been kept from many natural catastrophes. I do not know why, except, that at some time in our history we offered a safe haven to a persecuted group of God's people, the Jews. God says that He will bless those who bless Israel. Whoever curses Israel (as Abraham's offspring), He will curse (4). Do we personally choose Gods blessing or His curse? Do we, as a nation, want to be blessed or do we want to be cursed by God? It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God (5).

On this New Year's Day 2009, I want to encourage you, believers, to continually pray for the peace of Jerusalem, as God's Word tells us to do, and to continue blessing the nation of Israel (6). Then we, too, will be blessed. Please, keep praying for unity among the spiritual people of God in our country, and do pray for the Christian leaders in Suriname; that they will be one at last and forever, that is for the good of God's people -- not only in words, but of the same mind in Christ (7). Then we will truly experience mighty things in our Switi Sranan (Sweet Suriname).

I want to share something with you: a word of wisdom, that was sent to me on audio-cassette in 1981, by a friend and former classmate in bible school who has never yet visited Suriname. I have never forgotten it; I practically know it by heart, and pass it on to you. I have added some Bible verses at the end to enforce what I have written. You may read them for yourself.

Please be assured, that now that this prophecy has been made public, the enemy will do all that is within his power to keep it from happening. We should not fear him, however, for God who is in us, is always greater! (8)

May the Lord keep you close to Himself in the New Year. May you be a brightly shining star like the star of Bethlehem, that will lead wise men to the Prince of Peace (9), the Mighty Rock, the Eternal Father, the Wonderful, Jesus, the Christ, that is, the Anointed One of God. This is not a time anymore to be as a candle light "in your little corner", as a children's song has taught us. That is only how it begins, but God wants you to rise as a star, and He wants you to shine brightly, for His glory. This is only possible if you are willing to shine high in the sky, meaning, that you are willing to be seen. No, we do not seek our own fame and glory, for God will not give His glory to another (10), but He has sent us to be "the light of the world", and we may not hide it under a bed or even under a lampshade. We are not called to be atmospheric lights. Be a firehouse, a beacon, A STAR! (12)

The Lord be with you in 2009!
Lilian Neede-Pickering

A Prophetic Word of Wisdom (August 1981):

"And that lying devil is a liar, for Suriname is ours, and the heathen, and the gentile...Amen, amen.
And tell the people to fear not, to neither be dismayed, for the battle is not theirs, but the Lord's. And as they unite themselves, in the power of the spirit of unity, and in the power of the spirit of might, that a mighty miraculous move of the Spirit will cause that nation to come under the headship and lordship of Jesus, the Christ.
For Suriname shall be the light in which other nations shall come to see the glory of the Lord. Halleluyah!"

(1) I Cor. 1:10
(2) John 17:21-23
(3) Gen 2:24; 1 Chron. 12:38; 2 Chron. 30:12; Acts 4:32 -- Gen. 11:1 en 6; Rev. 17:13
(4) Gen. 12:3; Gen. 27:29
(5) Heb. 10:31
(6)Ps. 122:6-9; Gen. 27:29
(7) Php. 4:2; Rom. 12:16; 2 Cor. 13:11; Php. 2:2; I P. 3:8; Rom. 15:5,6
(8) I John 4:4; Ex. 18:11; 2 Chron. 2:5 (2 Chron. 32:7)
(9) Is. 9:6
(10) Is 42:6-8; Is. 48:11
(11) Mt 5:14
(12) Gen. 22:17, Gal. 3:29; Mt 5:15, 16


©2009 Lilian Pickering Neede
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