From north and south, from east and west
they'd come, the elderly and young,
to celebrate the yearly feast
with music, dancing and with song.
Rejoicing for law once given,
they celebrated harvest time.
With great devotion they were driven,
with praise and thanks to the Devine.
Then something happened in Jerusalem.
A new phenomenon took place.
For somewhere in an upper chamber,
some Christians acted in strange ways.
They heard a wind, than they saw fire
and all the Christians spoke in tongues.
They acted drunken of the Spirit
and people gathered in great throngs.
Now what was this? What did transpire?
It was the Holy Ghost with fire!
This is what Joel once predicted.
For from his prophecy we know
That in the latter days the Spirit
will fall on men and gifts bestow.
Your sons that day will then have visions
and dreams He gives to older men.
Prophetic utterance, revelations,
for latter days, this is God's plan.
This is what John the Baptist spoke of
when he saw Christ near Jordan's shore.
He said: "I baptize you in water
but He is worthy so much more.
With Holy Ghost and fire He'll baptize.
He is the Lamb of God who came.
Prepare the way make straight the highway.
There is Salvation in his Name."
Now this was it what did transpire.
It was the Holy Ghost and fire!
This is what the Lord Jesus spoke of.
He prophesied: "I'll go away.
But I'll leave you not as the orphans,
the Spirit comes and He will stay."
He is the comforter from the Father,
the Holy Spirit from above.
He'll guide and teach and give you power,
stay in Jerusalem, stay in love!
Then Peter spoke: "This all is written,
they are not drunk or filled with wine.
It's only nine AM and early,
this promise is all yours and mine."
"What must we do?" the people asked him.
"What must we do this very hour?"
"Repent, be baptized," Peter answered
and Christ will baptize you with power."
Now this is it what will then transpire.
He'll send the Holy Ghost with fire!
With prophecies with dreams and visions,
the Holy Spirit will descend.
Upon the parents and the children
from that day forth until the end.
Upon the rulers and the servants,
upon all men both great or small.
Until God's Spirit fills the planet,
His knowledge spreads to one and all!